Pago Francisco Gomez Chiquitita
The farm, which covers over 3,500 hectares – 250 of vines and 350 of olive groves – is today a modern industrial concern which is performing the same work it did a thousand years ago. Tradition and Revolution go hand in hand. They are the two sides of the same coin.
Sv. Ivan Oblica
The motives for opening the center appeared in 2005 and 2006. when there was no oil mill in the county that would meet the requirements of olive growers for the production of oil of the highest extra virgin quality, by a modern mechanical cold process.
SV. Ivan Blend
The motives for opening the center appeared in 2005 and 2006. when there was no oil mill in the county that would meet the requirements of olive growers for the production of oil of the highest extra virgin quality, by a modern mechanical cold process.
Domaine Um Aljanna
Oilyssa or oil of Elissa, the queen who founded Carthage in the 8th centry BC, symbol of power and knowledge. We are experts and amateurs group of olive oils. Our objective is to select and export the highest quality of Tunisian olive oil worldwide.
Bustan El Zeitoun
“Bustan El Zeitoun” is a single estate extra virgin olive oil, produced from the highest quality Italian cultivars and grown in Aabra, Lebanon.The secret to our premium olive oil is the meticulous quality control and management practices adopted during harvest, pressing, storage and bottling.
Zouitina Prestige
Olea Capital is the first integrated oleicultural farmer, producer of extra virgin olive oil and table olives in Morocco. With more than 3000 hectares of olive trees planted, and a varietal mix of Moroccan and foreign olives of excellent quality, with guaranteed traceability, Olea capital is positioned among the biggest farmers and olive producers in the world.
Aki no Shima no MI Etajima Shibori
The climate of Setouchi and Hiroshima prefectures, mainly the islands and coastal areas, is similar to that of the Mediterranean Sea, with light rain and mildness, less typhoon damage, and more sunshine hours, making it suitable for olive cultivation. Under such an environment, the olives produced in Hiroshima based on the following definitions are named “Akishima no Mi”.