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06 Mar 2025

Author: digitalbox

Dr Kavvadia Olive oil

Dr Kavvadia Olive oil Lianelia

Dr. Kavvadias farm is the home of the award winning Dr. Kavvadias olive oil. It lies off the northsouth highway ten kilometres north of Corfu town in central Corfu.

Aceites Hacienda El Palo S.L


Aceites Hacienda el Palo is a benchmark company in the olive oil market due to the quality of its products. At present we are internationally recognised by having one of the top 5 oil mills in the world as far as the oil quality that is treasured within.

Psarreas Organics


We are very proud of the fair relationship between price and a top product. It is hardly possible to get up to the rocky mountain slopes with machines. That’s why everything is hand-picked.

Aceites Tapia S.L.

Aceites Tapia

Aceites Tapia is a family business born from the enthusiasm, effort and commitment of a great entrepreneur, Mr. Dionisio Aguilera Hinojosa, as well as the unconditional support of his entire family, Pepita, his wife and their children Remedios, Pepi, Felipe and Antonio .

Villa Eva - Family Brataševec Estate

Villa EVA

Vanessa Bratasevec- Dopolnine Dejavnosti produces extra virgin olive oil “Villa Eva”.

Azienda Agricola Sancin di Devan Sancin

Olio EVO

Azienda Agricola Sancin di Devan Sancin is located in San Dorligo Valle Dolina, Triest, Italy and produces extra virgin olive oil.

Vincenzo Signorelli Olivicoltore

Foglie Di Platino – IGP Sicilia

On the slopes of this formidable volcano there is a long-time photojournalist and traveler who has rediscovered his roots among the olive trees of his house. The result is a unique and niche production, which has already received important awards

Darvari Gida Ltd

Byzantium “Irene”

Our Company in Turkey Based in Troy; at the foot of Mount Ida, greeted by the Aegean Sea every morning, in one of the world’s highest levels, in the land where the Asian and European winds meet, kissed by the hectic feet of the human beings over 5000 years. 

Beneoliva S.C.V.L


Made from arbequina olives, Summum Señorío de Jaime Rosell is characterized by its early production. At the beginning of October, when olives are still unripe, we select the most appropriate trees, together with our technical team, and start harvesting.

Darvari Gida Ltd

Ottoman “Black Label”

Our Company in Turkey Based in Troy; at the foot of Mount Ida, greeted by the Aegean Sea every morning, in one of the world’s highest levels, in the land where the Asian and European winds meet, kissed by the hectic feet of the human beings over 5000 years.