II Primizio
The attachment to its roots, the production rigor and the passion that animate Tenuta Chiaramonte are the result of the agricultural culture of Sicily and of the Iblea land in particular, which boasts a millenary olive oil tradition, started by the Greek colonists and then interpreted by the Arabs. The company, with its extensive olive groves and its modern oil mill, is located, in fact, in the sunny countryside of Ragusa, between hills that slope towards the sea and dry stone walls that have become World Heritage Sites.
Tenuta Lamiotte
Tenuta Lamiotte oil is the result of the love and passion of a family that continues to evolve over the generations. We have a great goal: to bring the flavors of our land and the richness of our traditions to tables around the world.
Ortice Bio
Tradition, territory, flavors and fragrances, mixed with quality and passion: this is Romano Antico Frantoio. The company was founded in 1840 a Benevento. The experience and expertise gained by Alberto Roman, dedicated to the cultivation of olives and the production of oil, as was his grandfather and his father were, allow to achieve high product quality. An oil that, year after year, acquires notoriety and credibility gaining awards and accolades that come from all over the world.
Tradition, territory, flavors and fragrances, mixed with quality and passion: this is Romano Antico Frantoio. The company was founded in 1840 a Benevento. The experience and expertise gained by Alberto Roman, dedicated to the cultivation of olives and the production of oil, as was his grandfather and his father were, allow to achieve high product quality. An oil that, year after year, acquires notoriety and credibility gaining awards and accolades that come from all over the world.
Tenute Arico Olio
Untold stories arise from the union of prized cultivars.
The olives are harvested by hand while still green, 15 days in advance, to the detriment of yield but to the advantage of the organoleptic characteristics of the oil, in fact in this way a greater richness of polyphenols is maintained.
Grand Cru
Terra Creta, was founded in early 2001, by Cretan visionaries with extensive knowledge and experience in olive oil production and sales. Our philosophy is to operate from a solid scientific base in every step of the production as well as on principles of self-reliance, innovation and environmental consciousness.
Terra Creta
Terra Creta, was founded in early 2001, by Cretan visionaries with extensive knowledge and experience in olive oil production and sales. Our philosophy is to operate from a solid scientific base in every step of the production as well as on principles of self-reliance, innovation and environmental consciousness.
Dono Dorato
The Extra Virgin Olive Oil Dono Dorato is an award worth olive oil. It is a huge success with a perfect taste.
Anargyros Vardas and Maria Sgourou
With Koroneiki variety olives, exclusively from the olive groves of our family on the fertile island of Crete, we produce “Skoutari”. An excellent virgin organic olive oil, which is available in limited quantities and has very beneficial characteristics, one of the few that have a certified health label on its label.
Our company (L’Oléastre s.a.r.l.) is a small family-run business specialised in producing extra-virgin olive oil. We own a young olive grove planted with selected and certified olive trees. Olealys is our first terroir olive oil.