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23 Feb 2025

Author: digitalbox

Oliveto Sant' Elia

Oliveto Sant’ Elia

Oliveto Sant’Elia. Ci prendiamo cura dei nostri olivi e dei loro frutti. Brucatura a mano, estrazione a freddo e corretta conservazione per due varietà d’olio territoriale puramente siciliane. L’Oliveto Sant’Elia rappresenta la terra dove siamo cresciuti. È a Mazara del Vallo, sulla costa occidentale della Sicilia, la terra dove dimorano e si diramano le nostre radici che da tempo si intersecano a quelle degli olivi. Un luogo autentico, non costruito su semplici terreni, ma pieno di ricordi e di cui rispettiamo ritmi e raccolti. Le terre dell’oliveto si trovano poco distante dal mare di Mazara del Vallo. Godono allo stesso tempo della brezza marina e del clima mite del paesaggio collinare siciliano, un luogo vocato, da centinaia di anni, alla coltivazione dell’olivo e della vite. I nostri oli ricordano il gusto intenso della nostra terra. È lo stesso sapore che abbiamo sentito crescendo, quello che ci riporta ai pranzi con la famiglia durante la raccolta delle olive le domeniche di fine estate, cioè quando tutto questo era semplicemente fatto per onorare una tradizione di famiglia. E ora che, con passione, produciamo olio anche per portarlo sulle vostre tavole, è proprio a tutto questo che pensiamo quando a ottobre ci ritroviamo ancora tra gli olivi per la raccolta.

Olive Oil Season

Olive Oil Season

Premium olive oil from Morocco’s Atlas Mountains: can be heated up to 203 degrees, green olives harvested exclusively by hand, full of healthy polyphenols.

Morgan Cuvee

Morgan Cuvee

The Morgan Farm lies in Grintovec, a village on the ridge above the Drnica Valley near Šmarje. At home we always grew olives for home use; we produced olive oil and table olives following a traditional debittering procedure.

Olive Oil Cartel

Olive Oil Cartel

The Olive Oil Cartel is established by a young couple that followed their dreams to establish an olive grove in Morocco.
Located at the foot of the famous Atlas Mountains and a short drive away from the Atlantic ocean, you will find the largest olive oil grove of the region. With over 350 acres and more than 80.000 trees, the Olive Oil Cartel has established a fully solar-powered, organic olive grove that ships world wide.
Our high quality, Extra Virgin Olive Oil is mono-varietal and comes from our single-source family farm.
Each olive is selectively picked by hand at the peak of ripeness and cold-pressed in the evening of the same day. This ensures the highest level of polyphenols and the best taste.
We cold-press our Olive Oil via brand new Pieralisi Machinery.
Angela, the co-owner of the Olive Oil Cartel was born and raised in The Netherlands where equality between men and women are taken into high consideration. At our olive grove, we were able to close the gender pay gap between men and women providing them with equal pay. We are proud that one day we can pass on our family business to our daughter Sarah and maybe even a future baby.
We hope you enjoy our EVOO and it is our honor to participate in your competition.

Warm greetings from our olive grove,

Sarah, Angela and Abdel

Palacio De Los Olivos- Arbequina

Palacio De Los Olivos- Arbequina

Olivapalacios is a family business dedicated to the production and bottling of high-quality extra virgin olive oil, made from 100-percent Picual and Arbequina olive varieties. Our mill, Los Palacios, is located in the nutrient-rich lands and exceptional climate of Campo de Calatrava, Almagro, Ciudad Real. The olive grove sprawls over 520 acres of volcanic soil, which gives the oil a very defined and exceptional character along with unique nuances.

Palacio De Los Olivos - Piqual

Palacio De Los Olivos – Piqual

Olivapalacios is a family business dedicated to the production and bottling of high-quality extra virgin olive oil, made from 100-percent Picual and Arbequina olive varieties. Our mill, Los Palacios, is located in the nutrient-rich lands and exceptional climate of Campo de Calatrava, Almagro, Ciudad Real. The olive grove sprawls over 520 acres of volcanic soil, which gives the oil a very defined and exceptional character along with unique nuances.

Oliva Malia Ayvalik

Oliva Malia Ayvalik

Oliva Malia has determined the Karaburun Peninsula, which has been declared as a “Special Environmental Protection Area” since March 2019, where more than 40 thousand decares of treasury land has been transformed into qualified olive groves by creating Turkey’s largest organic agriculture basin, as its field of activity. We transform the unique olives, nourished by the unique nature and north east of the Karaburun peninsula, into high quality, healthy, delicious  “real”  olive oil by processing, storing and packaging in the most accurate way in our production facility, where we use the latest technology.

Oliva Malia Domat

Oliva Malia Domat

Oliva Malia has determined the Karaburun Peninsula, which has been declared as a “Special Environmental Protection Area” since March 2019, where more than 40 thousand decares of treasury land has been transformed into qualified olive groves by creating Turkey’s largest organic agriculture basin, as its field of activity. We transform the unique olives, nourished by the unique nature and north east of the Karaburun peninsula, into high quality, healthy, delicious  “real”  olive oil by processing, storing and packaging in the most accurate way in our production facility, where we use the latest technology.

Oliva Malia Yarimada Blend

Oliva Malia Yarimada Blend

Oliva Malia has determined the Karaburun Peninsula, which has been declared as a “Special Environmental Protection Area” since March 2019, where more than 40 thousand decares of treasury land has been transformed into qualified olive groves by creating Turkey’s largest organic agriculture basin, as its field of activity. We transform the unique olives, nourished by the unique nature and north east of the Karaburun peninsula, into high quality, healthy, delicious  “real”  olive oil by processing, storing and packaging in the most accurate way in our production facility, where we use the latest technology.